The best place to see wild Koalas

Magnetic Island

AN Australian icon that is on every tourists list to see while in Australia is the koala. There is no better place in all of Australia to see wild koalas than on Magnetic Island. Magnetic Island is located on the north east coast of Queensland about 10km off the coast from the city of Townsville. The island is easily accessible on a ferry from Townsville. There are several small towns on the island with restaurants and accommodation. There is also a bus route and many places to rent small cars on the island so getting around in search of the koalas can be very easy.

The island holds a population of around 800 koalas. One of the largest koala populations in all of Australia. Koalas can sleep up to 21 hours a day. Being nocturnal they are mostly active at night. During the day they can be seen napping in the eucalyptus trees mainly on the eastern part of the island. Koalas diet consists mostly of eucalyptus leaves so be sure to know your flora so you know what trees to look for when searching for these animals.

Watch on YouTube: WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY | Koalas, Wallabies, and a Spider

The koalas are actually not native to magnetic island. They were introduced in the 1930s as a kind of backup population to protect them from threats on the mainland. With no predators and hunting not allowed the koalas flourished. Now the koalas are focused at ecotourism, and many people travel to the island just to see koalas in their natural habitat.

Watch on YouTube: WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY | Koalas


Forts Trail on Magnetic Island

The Forts trail located on the northeastern part of the island and is the best spot to find wild koalas on the island. They can frequently be seen sleeping on the side of the trail high up in the trees. So make sure to be looking up as you take the 2 hour hike and you will almost be certain to see a koala. The hike goes up to an old WWII lookout tower providing excellent views of the island as well as some interesting history.


I have done the hike several times and more often than not I have been able to find a koala or 2 with ease. A few times they have been high up in the trees so my long lens has bee very beneficial to help me photograph them. But sometimes they can be seen on the lower parts of trees.

Watch on YouTube: LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY | Forts Trail

If you ever find yourself in North East Queensland in the Townsville region Be sure to take a ferry to Magnetic Island and do the Forts walk to find some wild koalas.